Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Pakistan Textile Industry - An Overview

The textile industry is one of the most important sectors of Pakistan. It contributes significantly to the country's GDP, exports and employment. And 'in fact, the backbone of Pakistan.

Established capacity

The textile industry of Pakistan has a total established spinning capacity of 1550 million kg of yarn, weaving capacity of 4.368 billion square meters of fabric and finishing capacity of 4000 million square meters. The industry has a production capacity of 670 million units of garments, 400 million units of knitwear and 53 million kg of towels.

The industry has a total of 1221 units engaged in ginning and 442 units engaged in spinning. There are about 124 units of large dimensions that undertake weaving and 425 units of small size. There are about 20,600 mechanical looms according to the sector. The industry also houses about 10 large finishing units and 625 units of small size.

Textile industry of Pakistan has about 50 large and 2500 small units of production of clothing. Moreover, it also houses some 600 units and 400 towel-producing knitwear-producing units.

Contribution to exports

According to recent figures, the Pakistan textile industry contributes over 60% of total exports of the country, which amounts to about $ 5.2 billion. The industry contributes about 46% of total output produced in the country.

In Asia, Pakistan is the eighth largest exporter of textiles largest.

Contribution to GDP and employment

The contribution of this industry to total GDP is 8.5%. It employs 38% of the workforce in the country, which amounts to a $ 15 million. However, the proportion of skilled labor is much smaller than that of unskilled labor.

Sector organizations

All Pakistan Textile Mills Association is the leading organization that determines the rules and regulations of the Pakistan textile industry.

Opportunities available

World demand for textile products is growing at around 2.5%, thanks to which there is a greater opportunity to increase exports from Pakistan.

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