Monday, August 27, 2012

Words and Meaning - What makes Company Slogans Powerful?

Corporate slogans are one of the most basic of any modern business plan. Short phrases that often have few words go a long way in creating a customer base for their company and brand. Great slogans have the power to be remembered, continue to captivate audiences and bring home the purpose and reason for the company.

The difference between a good and a bad slogan can mean the difference between the Fortune 500 to bankruptcy. With so much riding on a slogan, it is important to look at the good things that all seem to have slogans.

1. Memorable slogan, good company - a slogan that you forget 15 minutes after hearing that is not going to do your business any good. You could also launch the advertising budget out the window if your slogan does not have any staying power. Many slogans use rhymes or have a sing-song quality about them that makes people remember them or say over and over. That kind of thing to allow people to put an order in their long-term memory and recall it when needed then. "It 's the real thing" - the slogan of Coca-Cola - has almost the music to it, as they say. This is what makes it so powerful.

2. Slogan good company to create mental pictures - People are not necessarily hearing students. The way most people learn, grow and experience their world through their eyes. Visuals and graphics (eg company logo) to help people connect to the settings that surround them. As a slogan is not made of words and pictures, a good slogan can help with the creation of a visual image of words that you can do with the mind. Prudential Insurance of the old slogan "Take a piece of rock" is a great example. When you feel you can imagine the huge rock mountains from their advertising and helps you to remember and respond, and for the image. Sight your business is, the greater the need for an image word slogan.

3. Good corporate slogans are unique - One of the things you want your slogan to do is to distinguish your business from other companies that may be similar. If you leave that company sounds like every other company on the block then there is no reason why a customer will think your like the place where it should go. Create a slogan that not only reflects your business, but says the reason why people should be you. It does not help if people confuse your slogan with someone else. For example, if you were running, and travel agency and your slogan was "Get a piece of the map" (reflecting slogans from Prudential) people can be confused with the insurance company and does not remember distinctly. "Where do you want to go" is a slogan much better that people have in mind the nature of your business and your business?

4. Good company slogan inviting people to participate - One of the ways slogan can be useful is to encourage people to use the product or the company they represent. The best example of a slogan, short, memorable and winning is the counsel of Milk "Got Milk?" Do not just make you want to know what you think (milk), but it makes me want to go get milk and be involved in the process. Another slogan perfect to illustrate that point is the slogan of crime prevention for McGruff the crime dog. "Take a bite out of crime" - that encourages people to be part of the community and work to prevent crimes. Slogans that encourage the participation has a huge opportunity to increase business.

5. Slogan good company to talk about business benefits - If you want people to use the service, you must give them a reason why they should be quantified. Slogans that tell consumers what is good about their companies have slogans that keep people coming back. GE's famous "We bring good things to life" helps people recognize the benefits of society and give them a reason for wanting to choose their products.

Overall, good company slogans seem very complex ways to put out simple ideas to consumers. However, when you realize the potential for a simple phrase to bring in a ton of business, careful exploration of ideas is always worth it .......

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