Thursday, August 2, 2012

Recipe Chicken A La Orange

Lately I've been preparing low-calorie recipes, and among them I discovered how easy it is to prepare the famous orange chicken. And the best part is that it is really good. I prepare soil with some basmati rice, being able to prepare blank or with vegetables.

Ingredients for Orange Chicken:

1 kg of pollo.1 contramuslos liter of orange juice (there are very good quality tetrabicks) .4 cebollas.Aceite.Pimienta.Sal.

We started cutting in half each drumsticks and remove the skin, so they are very clean. Pour two or three inches of oil in the pan and fry the chicken until well browned, Saami and booked it.

When we put a golden chicken soften the onion in the oil left the chicken, but will have to remove the excess, if we incorporate the chicken is golden brown. After 5 minutes pour a liter of juice and let it be done along with the chicken. When it begins to boil salt and pepper to taste. We let it do so until the sauce thickens, it will take about 45 minutes.

As we can garnish basmati rice. We do besides rice, white, and the last time we add it to chicken, to suck the remaining orange sauce, all is delicious. If we decide to go with rice with vegetables is best not to add, to suck the remaining orange.

In our recipe more recipes you can find the orange chicken and other chicken breast recipes, or other meats such as pork loin.


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