Saturday, August 4, 2012

Spell casting: state configuration? Minimum for Success

Before starting spells always seem to be stereotyped as a spooky ritual that involves a full moon, black candles, ceremonies of sacrifice, blood and a lot of magic potions, powders and accessories. This is not an entirely accurate picture. . There are certain elements that are necessary to cast a spell, but what you use and how you ultimately used depends entirely on you. In fact, some say that if the magic is not personal, it is useless. Spells make them look like an art inflexible, but this is a common mistake. First, to cast a spell, the caster must be in the right mindset. If you are stressed by their work, payment of bills, family problems, etc. This could get rid of your focus and cause the spell does not work or that its efficacy is diminished. Wheels experiments suggest meditation, rituals, bathing and cleaning before attempting a spell, so it can be rejuvenated and fresh for the task. Many casters spells naked or perform in costumes made especially for this purpose, you can wear what feels most comfortable.

Tools: For the launch of a spell, those with experience in spell casting is more likely to already have an altar on which to perform the spell, but for beginners who do not have to saberque altars are very simple to build. Altars are usually small wooden tables, metal or ceramic. They can be as simple or elaborate as you like. They are usually covered with a tablecloth. The cloth used is usually white or black, but should be varied to match the type of spell that is, for example: if you are casting a spell of love, should be pink or red, or for a money or prosperity, it must be green, for protection or to have a voodoo evil eye on someone, black is the most recomendado.Los altar cloths can also be very simple or ornate. You may even want to make your own, that way you can infuse your personal energy into it.

HechizoPara improve the performance of the spells, there are many elements that can help. First, you can choose to play music during his spell. It is very common that when casting a spell of love, romance play their favorite songs. However, when playing music, the volume should be kept to a minimum to avoid disrupting their attention or to make breaking the vicious struggle with the volume. Candles are also widely used in spellcasting. They not only provide adequate lighting mood, but each candle color is attributed to certain emotions and faculties, for example, a candle pink or red is used for a love spell that colors are attributed to feelings of romantic love. Therefore, the pitcher, depending on the type of spell, be sure to choose the right color of the candle to increase the power potential of your spell. The herbs, crystals and incense are widely used in spellcasting to increase energy or power of the spell. The scents of lavender, vanilla, honeysuckle and gardenia are mostly used for love spells. Another integral tool used in the foundry is the athame, a ritual dagger with a double-sided edge and a black handle.

The athame is never used to cut anything physical and is most often used to make the magic circle.

Other factors to considerarHay many other tools that can be used, but are not absolutely necessary. Many altars usually include a chalice, which represents the water element, which usually hold water or wine to drink after the spell is complete. There is usually a tube that represents the air can be wood, metal or bone. Most altars include a pentacle or small pendant of white quartz that is usually used to clean other items on the altar. The boilers are also usually on the altars. . Time should also be considered when preparing the launch of a spell. Each moon phase and day of the week is associated with different deities and planets. So on certain days, the energies in particular might be more powerful. An ideal time to cast a love spell would be a Friday as the particular day that is associated with Venus.

The CĂ­rculoCon to start the spell, the first circle should be cast. A circle is simply a space that is used as the scope of power that can perform his spell. Must be in an area free of distractions such as television, telephones and all other everyday appliances. The space should be cleaned with sea water spray to ensure that any negative energy is banished. When space is ready, the circle should be drawn. You can use your finger, wand or athame to draw a symbolic circle approximately 9 feet in diameter. The spell casting experts can simply call your circle through visualization, but the physical circle can be defined as stones, dirt or sails. After casting the circle, it's time to call upon the elements to help you with your writing magic. The four elements are to be called Air (East), Fire (South), Water (West) and Earth (North). Simply being in the direction associated with the item and ask politely for each tutor to accompany him and watch over you in your spell.

After the Guardians have been together, you can invite any other spirit and deity desired. At this point, you are ready to perform his spell.

When casting a spell, set the right mood is essential to success. If energy is not properly balanced, the spell may not be effective. Spells is a very personal and powerful way to communicate with your inner self and the universe. There are many ways to do it. Regardless of whether you have the right tools, the words and timing, if your mood does not suit your spell, surely no effect.

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