Sunday, August 5, 2012

Expand Our Perspective

In one picture, or video, when we reduce the focus to a specific area, we expanded the details. We can see these details more clearly, but in return, we can not see around the image. The same is true in life. Often we get stuck in a conflict or a line of thought, and we can not leave until you look at it from a broader perspective. As a coach, this is a technique I use often. I call to broaden the focus. As Albert Einstein said, "we can not solve a problem at the same level that we have created?, So if we want to overcome this moment of impasse and resolve the situation, it's time to change our perspective. Our initial view something determines our response or our thinking. For example, those who may know the story of Dan Brown "The DaVinci Code? probably will remember when the professor Langdon is giving a lecture on symbolism. On the screen we see a few symbols, but we see in the foreground, but to teach us the environment in which photographs are taken. Our minds fill in the information and interprets the image based on our culture, experience, and knowledge.

In the scene, we show an image of a swastika. The vast majority relates to Nazism, but seeing the whole picture, we see that is a symbol engraved on the chest of a Buddha, and sometimes used by groups or cultures that have nothing to do with the German regime. In a second picture, we see a statue of a boy in the arms of his mother, in the style of some ancient religious figures. For many it is a Christian representation of Mary with the child, or a figure associated with fertility. By expanding the perspective, we see that it is a statue of the Egyptian god Horus in the arms of his mother Isis.

When we are caught in a conflict, we are accustomed to repeat over and over again the same thought process. For example: I'm tired of my job and my money situation. I want to win more money. I want to be my own boss, which should open my own business. But as I have no money to invest, I can not open it. Also, my work takes up most of my time and energy, I can not think of a new business. Ended up at the exit point. It is clear that if we start from the same premises and apply the same logic, we will reach the same conclusion again and again. Here is when further perspective Ăștil.Pero really, how is it done? One way is to not focus on the problem as we see it, just watching the situation as we have in this moment, but focusing on the situation as we want, and including more variables (more people, more options a wider time window, etc ...) This is equivalent to broaden the perspective in a photograph, in which we have no details yet of the new situation, but we have included as a possibility.

A very visual example would be to consult a map to get to a site, and see that the map only shows the place where we are now. Until we see a larger portion of land, including the place where we go, we will not be able to determine what the best route. For the person who needs to start a business, is coming to the conclusion that it can not because it is taking into account only the lack of time and resources. Looking at it thus has every reason in the world, can not do anything else. However, if broad perspective, you realize, for example, that has skills, experience, a group of people around who can provide support in different areas. You can also think that although he has no time can now have it during their holidays, or during their days off to prepare his new situation. Let's see how the same general principle can be applied to relationships. At one point, we have a problem with our partner. He has done something that deeply disturbs us, so we're angry. It is difficult to deal with these feelings of anger and frustration, and every time I think about it, the only thing that comes to mind is what he has done, and how much that bothers us.

This adds more fuel to the fire, and the separation continues to grow. If we try to resolve the conflict with our colleague from this position, there is really room to find common ground and compromise, because we focused on a very limited framework. Now, when we broaden the perspective, and include a history rich in experience, love and marriage, it is far easier to find a solid base to reach conflict resolution, among other reasons because it appears smaller in relation to everything around it. In short, to broaden the perspective when we look at a situation it is very useful when we feel that we are stuck in a conflict. Why not bring yourself to try the next time you do not know what to do about something? I hope you find useful. By Helena Aramendia. Reproduction in whole or in part, provided that mention the author and source.

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