Sunday, August 5, 2012

Seductive Mineral Water-New Design At the close of Packaging

In recent years, La Posta del? Eagle, has been developed worldwide. Was that the reason together with the stringent response requires innovation and ingenuity that the global crisis that led to this company to modify a section of the packaging of the product range SEDUCTIVE Mineral Water. Since three years ago, La Posta del? Eagle, accustomed to its consumers every year in February about innovation and reform in the packaging of their products to surprise us with innovative additions. Making a step in time, in early 2005, La Posta del? Eagle, we present an exclusive range of products dedicated to ABC1 consumers and are only getting into restaurants, luxury hotels and spas in the international market. SEDUCTIVE The Mineral Water packaging is an exclusive glass bottle with a lid closing Pilfer proof security and a band that stood out in the market. In 2008, the closing of the bottle style change being more innovative and secure, keeping the original glass base plate with its minimalist design. Changed Pilfer proof cap for synthetic cork, this material has always been associated with fine wines and champagnes, with this step we try to associate the quality that gives the cork into the water "eccentric?, Also the band return for security a bright blue capsule, in the case of clear bottles, and a silver capsule, in the case of super-premium blue bottles.

Successfully, the market has accepted these changes and in addition has been adopted as a fad. Since some time ago, bottled water have become a fashion accessory as clothing or the clothing itself, the more expensive are more sought after. Thus for some time now, going to school or work with a bottle in her purse (women) or hanging from your backpack (men) gives a perfect image of health care (to make clean water) and ride in style. In 2009, La Posta del? Eagle, incorporates all the market's new product SEDUCTIVE Mineral Water. This is a glass bottle 500cc. Which continues the minimalist design. Its packaging is the same as synthetic corks continue although the capsules of colors on the surface I add the letter "S?, Which causes a special symbol of the product and ensuring consumers that the product is original. This latter change is also seen in the Mineral Water bottles 750cc SEDUCTIVE. Finally, La Posta del? Eagle, has again got a innovative aesthetics without giving up the brand image.

It has also made progress in the ecological criteria, adjusting them.


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