Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Ethical Issues Business - Are you taking your responsibilities seriously?

Today, companies have a great responsibility. They have a responsibility to their employees, their customers, and for their community as a whole. This is a part of doing good business, but companies must also address ethical issues of business on a daily basis.

Ethical business issues cover a wide range of sectors. Business ethics must be practiced with employees, customers, and internally. For example, cook books, so to speak, is unethical. Do not treat employees fairly is immoral as well, and there are many other ethical issues that employers face in the field of human resource management. Ethics should also be applied to sales and marketing tactics, the production of the product, copyrights, and more.

Some companies face particular challenges in business ethics. For example, a lawyer can not represent a client if it has already been a person who is suing that customer. It is not ethical. A doctor can not give a patient medical information to anyone, as this is unethical - and illegal.

But in general the business area, one must determine precisely what are the ethical trade issues may arise, particularly in their activities, and develop a plan to prevent unfair business practices, or to manage issues as they occur. For small businesses, this is a fairly easy task. However, for large companies and the like, can be very complex, and that's why many large companies actually ethics officers. These officers make sure the company is operating, as a whole, ethically, and work to make sure that if this is not the case, that issue is addressed in a timely manner.

In the last decade, many ethical business issues have been in the news. The Enron scandal may top that list, but there were also problems of privacy of employees, in cases where the employer was watching them and monitoring telephone calls or e-mail. There were also issues concerning blogs written by employees, employers found to be unfavorable, where employees are fired from their job for stating their opinion on their personal blog, during their personal time . The question asks to be resolved, where does the responsibility of an employee to start his company, and his privacy rights and the end?

In the world of online business, a whole new set of ethical trade issues have arisen. Whether your business is large or small, has the responsibility of other cultures and nations. You must pay attention to content, making sure it is not offensive to any group. It must also be careful with your code, to ensure that your site does not damage the system customers. You must also not use underhanded tactics to collect e-mail, to customers overburden, or spam to people in general. At the same time, all other traditional ethical trade issues are still valid. What are the ethical trade issues that will arise with your particular business? It 's important to understand it now, and develop a plan that ensures that you and your assets are protected, without trampling on the rights or privacy of others .......

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