Thursday, August 16, 2012

Internet marketing strategies using Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Internet marketing, the use of the Internet to advertise and sell goods and services. It includes text and banner ads, email marketing, interactive advertising, marketing and search engine marketing (including search engine optimization and pay-per-click). The purpose of using search engines internet marketing is to increase the targeted traffic to your website through search engine optimization, paid listings and advertising.

So, what is SEO?

And 'the art and science of making web pages as relevant as possible. Here, relevance is a measure of how close the Web page is aligned with what you are looking for. Simply, the most important is your page, the higher your rankings are for search engines like Google, Yahoo, Alta Vista, etc.

This means that if your website is ranked high by the likes of Yahoo or Google, and a user searches for information that contains specific keywords and terms related to your web page, your website is more likely to be among the first 10 search results will be presented to the user.

The act / art of adding keywords to the web pages for maximum relevance is what is known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Humans and search engines treat Web pages in different ways. In cases in which people look at design and read the text, search engines will scan and find relevant keywords that would have used to rate your web page having information that a user needs.

These "keywords" are strategically placed within the web page for search engines to "see" them. Also noteworthy is the relevance of your link popularity and theme. Namely, that links to your page? They are tied to the theme of your site?

So how search engines evaluate your web pages?

They determine the relevance of the page zoning. Each area is composed of elements, namely the HTML tags. these engines to highlight some of these tags, and scan them for keywords. If found, the page is considered more relevant.

To optimize your pages, you need to learn these three key terms: frequency, importance, and weight.

A. Frequency:

Frequency is how often your keyword appears on the page or in its entirety (Title, Description and Keywords META, visible text, H1, ALT, etc..)

B. Projection:

Prominence is how close the start tag of the keyword appears. In general, a keyword that appears closer to the beginning of a page element (Title, Description and Keywords META, visible text, ALT, etc.) will make your website more relevant.

C. Weight / Density:

Keywords in weight indicates the number of times a keyword appears in an area as a percentage to all the words in the page:

Keyword weight is calculated as the number of words in the phrase multiplied by frequency and divided by the total number of words (including the keyword). Mathematically, is:

= Weight (in keywords / All words) x 100%

Logically then, the greater the weight of a keyword in a particular page, the greater the positioning of the page for the keyword. However, repeating a keyword too often to increase its weight can cause the page to be penalized by search engines.

Weight keyword is sometimes referred to as 'density' which stands for the same concept - the overall percentage of a final word over all the words in the text.

It is very important to balance the optimization of the site so that it is neither optimized nor over-optimized.
Under-optimization can get your site to get lost among hundreds of thousands of other sites. While over-optimization would get your site penalized or worse - banned by search engines...

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