Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Medical Scrubs and Nursing

When you enter a hospital today, doctors will most likely be seen dressed in hospital scrubs standards. Although scrubs were worn only by surgeons during surgery, became the medical uniform of choice for most medical professionals. In fact, scrubs are worn by medical professionals in both hospitals and individual doctors. The uniform scrub is used to make medical professionals identifiable and maintain cleanliness.

Scrubs is, in fact, serve to make physicians identified by the public. Anyone who has ever been in a hospital or owns a television knows that a person wearing scrubs work in the medical profession. Scrubs are so common. The problem, however, is that most scrubs differentiate the type of medical personnel. As mentioned previously, scrubs were originally worn by surgeons. While the advantages of uniform stain became well known, the popularity of the uniform spread in various fields of medicine. Some hospitals to identify a particular color of stain for a specific department. For example, those who work in surgery wear green, the employees wear blue room and emergency paediatrics wear, pink etc. Even these types of classifications, however, does not help to distinguish between doctors, nurses and medical technicians.

Historically, the field of nursing professionals characterized by a different uniform. The typical nurse outfit is easily identifiable to the average person as the stain hospital. A traditional nurse uniform consists of a dress, an apron and a cap. Although the style of these three elements often differed over time and from country to country, these three basic pieces were consistent. Ironically, a nurse's uniform was derived from the habit of a nun. The nurses were often the first nuns who would take care of sick people. As nursing branched to include women who were not nuns uniforms began to change a bit ', but continued to maintain the same quality. The relationship between the uniform nursing standards and the habit is ironic when you consider that a nurse uniform standard is usually seen only in modern times, when worn by scantily clad college students at Halloween parties.

Today, nurses in the United States in the first place nurses wear scrubs. This change began in 1990 and is widespread in the United States and Great Brittan. Scrubs are more durable and functional than it was the traditional dress of care. One could also argue that scrubs are more gender neutral. The demand for nurses to wear dresses is sexist and implies that the nursing field of medicine is only suitable for women. The increase in men who pursue careers in nursing could be another reason for the shift from the traditional nursing dress nursing uniform scrubs.

Outside of the United States, nurses in many other countries continue to wear the combination dress, apron and hat. There is some debate about switching to stain clothes care hospital in the field of nursing. Supporters of the traditional dress argue that nurses can not be identified as such when they wear uniforms identical to those worn by doctors and other medical personnel. Those in opposition to the trio traditional nursing scrubs uniform claim that are easier to clean and more practical in a working environment....

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