Saturday, August 25, 2012

SEO myths about Google page ranking Factor

It 'easy to become an expert SEO Google. Just read a few books on search engine optimization and Internet Marketing visit some forums and then go on what you have learned.

You know better than that, right?

The experts like to talk on page ranking factors and how to help you better classify them into search engines.

Some of these factors on page ranking are true and some of them are myths.

Some of the factors in page ranking many believe will help you rank better in Google include:

1. The main keyword should be between H1 tags, or

2. Keywords of the content must be done in bold, italic and underlined.

Experts also believe you should avoid having certain things on your page you decrease your ranking as:

3. Javascript

4. Frames

5. Outbound links

6. The pop-up

However, a statistical analysis of over 45,000 websites reverses what experts usually think can help or hurt search engine rankings in Google.

Without getting into a confrontation with these SEO experts, you should ask yourself the truth of their recommendations. How did they understand that these factors help or hurt each page of the performance rankings? They can show examples of sites that rank well below the advice they give?

From there, you should come with your conclusions and believe only what can occur with hard data. Become your own expert SEO based on facts and not myths and you will improve your search engine ranking in Google.

Copyright (c) 2007 by Leroy Chan ......

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