Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Where to put the words and phrases?

Search engines will look for key words and phrases of your website in a very specific places. Let's see where to place the key words and phrases and how to get the best performance.

In the title of the page

The first step in building a page is to give a title. It is vital, since it is the first text that search engines are. We offer a full chapter of our manual so you can build a good title for your page.

In the META tags

Most search engines read certain tags on the page to find the description and the keywords of this. They are the META tag and are located at the top of the page. It is important to make good use META tags to be well indexed in search engines. In a later chapter discuss in depth the META tags.

In the first paragraph on page

Another part of the page to take into account are the first paragraphs of the page, since many search engines are set in them to index a website. If the design of our permits, we must place a first paragraph that serves as an introduction to what we can find on the page. This first paragraph, shall be located within and close to this. It is also ideal than in the first paragraph tag and no other labels, such as images. Note that this paragraph is the first thing you see on the page and must be legible and read correctly.

In the image ALT tag

There are search engines that consider the text in the ALT attribute of images (especially if they are links to other pages), so it is desirable that the inserted text keywords. The location of ete attribute in the html code is within the IMG tag.

This attribute had originally appeared because browsers could not display images, and this text was printed in place of the image. Some browsers display the ALT attribute text when you hover over the image.

In the URL

There are search engines that take into account that there are keywords in the url of the website. You should try to separate the names with a hyphen "-" instead of conn an underscore "_". Syntax is better "name-titulo.html" that "nombre_titulo.html."

Use the headings

Whenever possible it is good to note the titles of the pages with labels and the like.

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