Friday, July 6, 2012

Why We Do not Spam?

Let's start first of all by defining what is spam, is named to the messages and / or emails we receive without being requested. These messages are usually for advertising purposes, although there are cases of fraud, virus, or upset just because, among several other reasons that God knows that hidden intentions.

In this post, I refer to the kind of spam we receive in our mail boxes, since it is the most common type and that particularly bothers me most, because those unwanted messages arrive on our boxes every day, and unfortunately the vast Most times we can not do anything to stop receiving them.

So, why any company (or anyone) to do SPAM?:

Why bother, angry and receptor.Porque will cause rejection of a very negative image of your company and / or viralizar persona.Porque you want your products / services to achieve sales, and the only thing is its poor imagen.Porque viralizar anyone (or almost anyone) read your mensaje.Porque the two parties (which makes spam and the recipient) dinero.Porque lose time and many reported their mail as spam and your brand will be on the blacklist will receive complaints and insults spammers.Porque . Because your mail addresses to anyone and not to a target audience. For example, if you sell children's toys, that you please send an email to an adult without children master? In this sector you are interested in your producto.Porque generate distrust Who can trust a company that invades our box with mails they never asked to receive? Because they sell. Can you make a sale in a million, but think of all potential customers for sending mails lost solicitados.Porque not anyone wants to read an email which remitente.Porque not know your customers will not win, but just the opposite: ahuyentará.Porque inthe word will Webque you are spammer. And remember that we are millions of Internet users, and information is available to a clic.Porque is an "activity" totally antiética.Porque the person receiving your mail, did not ask to receive it and therefore it does not desea.Porque can sue, since in some countries it's illegal to spam.Y the list goes on.

It may be that many people will dismiss this subject, but there are countries where there are laws about it, and hopefully soon they exist around the world, to end this practice so annoying and unethical.

On the other hand, we must recognize that in the Internet field, there are thousands of things we do not know (for more common sense than we have) and is therefore likely that we make things out of ignorance "forbidden" and Web inthe misuse, but that is not justified (in the case of spam) that someone who does not know how bad it is for everyone, one day read a post like this, or someone via e-mail to the attention to stop, and so on. and instead of learning the lesson to ignore, and continue to spam. This is something that happens to me every day, for example sending an email to X company to stop sending me emails, and the company not only never respond, but continues sending mails. And I speak of Argentine companies (some quite well known), is not that I refer to these mails that come to us in English, which it is impossible to stop receiving them.

What can a company need to do this practice as undesirable, rather than choose to be a serious company that cares for your brand and reputation, and above all respect their customers and potential customers?

What do people feel spam, to receive unsolicited mail in your mailbox?

Do you? Do you get very often in your spam email account? What is your reaction to seeing these messages?

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